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Becoming Divine

by the Holy Spirit and James Calvin Carey IV


Simple Saints Becoming Divine is an independent ministry dedicated to serving the entire Body of Christ of born-again believers.   As followers of Jesus, we are connected by the presence of the Holy Spirit who is one with God the Father and the Son(Jesus).  Jesus came to earth in a Human body(the flesh), and He will be coming again!  The mission of Simple Saints through the guidance of the Holy Spirit is to aid the Body of Christ in maturing into an image of Jesus in holiness, truth, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and grace!  God also desires that the churches be united, not with one church lording it over another, but working together for a common goal with the chief shepherd being Christ himself and the assistant shepherds being the apostles, pastors, evangelists, and teachers as it says in the book of Ephesians! 

 Please scroll down and enjoy the blogs we believe will help us grow in Christ and mature in his image!

Forgiveness Prayer
james Carey james Carey

Forgiveness Prayer

While praying this prayer we remember what Jesus suffered for the forgiveness of our sins, and how he forgave those who made Him suffer.

I do not like to suffer, but when I do, I can look to Jesus and learn how to forgive those who cause my suffering and forgive as Jesus forgave!

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Communion(Eucharist)Part 1
James Calvin Carey IV James Calvin Carey IV

Communion(Eucharist)Part 1

Then he took some hardtack and gave thanks to God for them all, broke off a piece, and then ate it. Suddenly everyone felt better and begin eating, all two hundred seventy-six of us-for that is the number we had on board. Acts 27:35-38

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Fruit of Patience!
James Calvin Carey IV James Calvin Carey IV

Fruit of Patience!

Patience is like a healthy, happy pregnant mother. Who knows that her baby is going to arrive at God’s special time. The pregnant mother doesn’t know exactly how or when the newborn is going to arrive, however, she does what is needed to prepare for his, or her arrival!

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James Calvin Carey IV James Calvin Carey IV


One of the definitions for peace is the absence of conflict. According to Paul in Galatians, we have a war (a conflict) waging inside us. Our flesh doesn’t like our Spirit and our Spirit doesn’t like our flesh, there lies the conflict!

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james Carey james Carey


Remember we have Grace

I want you to realize that you will make many mistakes in your walk with Christ, but I want you to also realize that God will use these mistakes to help mold you into a mature image of Himself through grace(God’s unmerited Power and favor!)

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Maturing in Christ
james Carey james Carey

Maturing in Christ

“When we are baptized with the Holy Spirit(The living water)by faith which may coincide with water Baptism(which prepares His temple our Bodies to be vessels of His spirit)! We become part of God’s spiritual network! We become members (participants) of the Body of Christ!

Imagine a gigantic puzzle of Jesus Christ, and imagine each of us are puzzle pieces of Christ’ Body. Each of us who are born again and of His spirit is a part of this puzzle!

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A Simple Message
james Carey james Carey

A Simple Message

The message is that God wants us to love Him and our neighbors. In the Word of God, God asks us to love Him with all our heart, body, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. God has even asked us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. Notice the Lord tells us to love our neighbor as ourselves, this tells us we need to love ourselves as well!

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A Ripple of Christ Joy
james Carey james Carey

A Ripple of Christ Joy

I had believed I was a Christian all of my life, but in 2010 I had a true encounter with God that transformed my faith and how I interacted with others!

At the time of my transformation, I worked in a warehouse and worked as a doorman(bouncer) part-time at a bar and grill.

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God’s Favor!
James Calvin Carey IV James Calvin Carey IV

God’s Favor!

It was a Saturday and I was excited, I had prayed for weeks asking the Lord for wisdom on whether to fix the computer screen of my laptop or to buy one of the popular bookstore 7” digital pads.

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