The Body of Christ is a spiritual network

Simple Saints Becoming Divine 


The Holy Spirit 


James Calvin Carey IV

One of the biggest revelations the Lord has ever given me is this!  As the Body of Christ, we are all spiritually connected!  The Lord made it clear to me that he means literally and not just metaphorically! 

What connects us? The Holy Spirit who indwells within all who have asked Jesus to be their savior and our born of His spirit!  So whether we are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, or Native American. Methodist, First Church of God, Salvation Army, Pentecostal, Catholic, Baptist, or any other Christian faith of born-again believers.  We are all connected by the one and only Holy Spirit!


 We are one by the presents of the Holy Spirit

Yes, whether we are Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, or Native American we are one in Christ, a spiritual network, a team of believers, each one of us are interconnected by the Holy Spirit that indwells within us, making us one in Christ!  The way Paul explains this connection in the Bible is by using Christ’ Body!  In our modern understanding, we can use a Cell phone network as a metaphor to help explain this connection and our connection to each other! 

This is only a metaphor

 Please remember this is only a metaphor to help us gain a simple understanding and revelation of our connection to each other in the Body of Christ.  This is not a progressive sci-fi belief that goes against the gospel!   Jesus in his day used many metaphors to help explain the Kingdom of God from sheep herding to farming,  carpentry even a vine.  This is simply a metaphor using something that we use every day to help us gain a greater understanding of the Kingdom of God!  The Kingdom of God is not a cell phone network, and Jesus is not a physical vine, however, we can use these metaphors as Jesus did to gain a greater understanding of His kingdom! 

So for this metaphor again we are going to use your smartphone as a representation of us as believers.   Ours agreeing to use the cell phone network would represent us committing ourselves to Christ through faith in Him as our savior, by our commitment to Him we receive His Spirit the Holy Spirit, just as when you agree to use a cell phone network, afterward you receive the cell phone signal! The same is true when we sincerely ask Jesus to come and abide in our hearts through the Holy Spirit!

Your phone can be used for good or it can be used for bad!  The same is true for us: we can be used to glorify God, or we can be used knowingly or unknowingly to promote evil! God has given us free will to choose whether we will choose good, or evil! Since we are on the Jesus network(the Kingdom of God) we are to practice the good that comes from God, by us abiding in Him through grace(God’s power) and love! God is asking us to eventually mature into a spiritual image of Him!

God has given us all gifts

God has given us all gifts whether we believe in Him or not.  For this metaphor, the apps on our phones will represent our gifts!  Some of the apps on your smartphone don’t need a wireless signal to operate(camera, calculator) and some of that apps on your smartphone can only be used with a wireless signal!

The apps that don’t need a signal to operate represent the gifts that God has gifted all men and women with whether they believe in Him or not! Like the ability to be a doctor, scientist, or football player! These abilities can be enhanced with God’s help through the Holy Spirit, but you don’t have to have the presence of the Holy Spirit to do them!  God gifted you with these abilities when you were born, they are built in and define you!

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are different, these gifts are only given to us as born-again believers! These gifts can only be performed through the Holy Spirit!  Imagine the wireless signal coming down to your phone and you being able to use the apps on your phone that require and only can be used with a signal (GPS, Banking, current weather).  Without a cellphone signal,  you cannot use these apps. 

 The same is true with the Holy Spirit, I can not receive Godly knowledge or revelation without that revelation coming through the Holy Spirit!  A person cannot spiritually heal a person by themselves, this can only come through the Holy Spirit!  We as believers are only vessels and servants that became friends of God, all Godly knowledge, wisdom, understanding, healing, and miracles come through Him, whom we as born-again believers are merely vessels of!

 The Big Question and Answer that change my Life!

I’m going to ask you the same question that God asked me. This question changed my life.  

The Question: If I do anything to you whether good or bad, who am I doing it too?   The Answer: Of course, I am doing it to you, but do you realize I am doing it to myself as well?  I am also doing it to God the Father and the Son(Jesus) and the Holy Spirit!  In Paul’s metaphor in 1 Corinthians 12:26 using the Body as an example of this spiritual network, he says that if one part of the Body Suffers we all suffer!

The proof is in the scriptures at Paul’s conversion moment!  Paul, who was named Saul before his conversion, was going to Damascus to persecute believers,  A bright light from Heaven shone down on him and he fell to the ground. The Lord said, “Saul, Saul why are you persecuting me”.  See Saul was not persecuting Christ' physical body because Jesus had already risen.  However, Saul was persecuting Christians who had Christ living in them in the form of the Holy Spirit, so Saul who is Paul was persecuting Christ!  In a different scripture in Acts Jesus says to Paul you are only kicking against the goads(meaning you are only hurting yourself.  After Paul repented of his wicked ways God used him to write close to half of the New Testament! God also used Paul to show us that no matter what we have done in the past God loves us, and wants to use us and have a relationship with us His children!


Jesus is the True Vine


The Hope of seeing them again!