Fruit of Patience!


“But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.”

Romans 8:26 GNT

One of the fruits of the Holy Spirit is patience. Remember true patience comes from the result of having Christ living in us, it is a part of who He is, it is a part of God’s own nature who is Love! God shows his love to us through His grace and patients that He gives us through the Holy Spirit, as we grow and mature into a true image of Him who is perfect love without the stain of sin(our corrupt nature)! As we wait for God to heal our families, to restore our lives, to bring forth His promises that He has given us, and for His second coming, we must have patients and in the meantime do the work he has assigned us to do to prepare!

Here is a parable to show us what patience looks like!

Happy Patient Pregnant Mother

Patience is like a healthy, happy pregnant mother.  Who knows that her baby is going to arrive at God’s special time. The pregnant mother doesn’t know exactly how or when the newborn is going to arrive, however, she does what is needed to prepare for his, or her arrival! She prepares the baby’s room; buys the baby clothes; she eats healthy food for Her and the baby.  She rises up in the morning and does her work for when the baby is going to arrive and she goes back to bed at night. She keeps up a patient healthy vigil until her baby arrives.

A mother never exactly knows how and when her baby is going to be born, but she keeps sleeping and rising doing what is needed to have a healthy baby, but leaving the rest up to God. 

Reflection! Remember at the Babies conception, the Baby is always with the mother!

God bless you Saints and remember you have God’s amazing Grace!

James Calvin Carey IV


Communion(Eucharist)Part 1

