Forgiveness Prayer
Matthew 6:14 (GMBDC)
“If you forgive others the wrongs they have done to you, your Father in heaven will also forgive you.”
Dear Lord, help us forgive like you forgave the people that placed you on the cross. Dear Lord, after they took you into custody they spit at you, beat you, and told you to prophecy. Dear Lord, you did not say one bad word against them. In fact, you did just the opposite, you forgave them. Dear Lord, if you can forgive them for this, I can forgive also. I forgive ____________________.
Dear Lord, they took you and tied you to a post, and took a whip and beat you to the point where you were unrecognizable. You did not utter one bad word against them, again you did the opposite, you forgave them. Dear Lord, if you can forgive them for this, I can forgive also. I forgive __________________.
Dear Lord, they took you and dressed you up as a King, and then took a crown of thorns and pressed this crown on your head. The thorns pierced your skin and the blood ran down your face, into your eyes and mouth, the pain must have been terrible. You did not utter one bad word against them. In fact, you did just the opposite. You forgave them. If you can forgive them for this, I can forgive also. Dear Lord, I forgive________________________.
Dear Lord, they took you and strapped you to a heavy cross that you would bear for all of our sins. You were sinless, yet you bore this cross for the Love of your children. Dear Lord, you had already been mistreated in so many different ways from beatings to scourging, and the crown of thorns being placed on your head, and now you were carrying a heavy cross to a place of your crucifixion called The Skull. During this walk, you fell three times. After the third time, the soldiers had Simon help you. Dear Lord, you did not utter one bad word against the soldiers, again you forgave them. If you can forgive these people for this, Dear Lord, I can forgive _______________________ also,I can forgive them also.
Dear Lord, the soldiers took the heavy cross and laid it on the ground. They then took your body and laid it down on the cross. Your body was bloody and unrecognizable. The soldiers then took your right hand and stretched it out. They then took a heavy spike and pounded it into your right hand. Dear Lord, the pain must have been excruciating, but again you bore it without accusing those who were persecuting you. Lord they then took your left hand and laid it down. They took another heavy spike and pounded it into that hand, again the pain was unbearable and again you forgave. Dear Lord, the soldiers took your legs and laid one on top of the other. They proceeded in taking a single heavy spike and hammered it into your feet that were placed on top of each other. Dear Lord, again the pain was unbearable and again you did not utter one thing against the soldiers. In fact, you forgave them. Dear Lord, if you can forgive, I can forgive also. I forgive _____________________________ .
Dear Lord, after being beaten, scourged, made to carry a heavy cross and nailed to that cross, you looked up to the Father and said, “Father please forgive them they do not know what they are doing.” Dear Lord if you can say this, we can say it also, we can look to the heavens and say to the Father, “Please forgive _____________________ they know not what they do.”