Communion(Eucharist)Part 1

The power of Communion(The Eucharist)

Remember Simple Saints Becoming Divine is a Christian Ecumenical movement that serves the entire Body of Christ!

Then he took some hardtack and gave thanks to God for them all, broke off a piece, and then ate it.  Suddenly everyone felt better and began eating, all two hundred seventy-six of us-for that is the number we had on board.  Acts 27:35-38 (The Way The Catholic Living Bible)

Many of the revelations the Lord gives me not only come from reading the word but by actually experiencing the word physically! Through this process, God has proven the power of communion(Eucharist) by actually having me experience His divine presence in communion.

During my stay at The Bosco Center In Downtown Columbus, Ohio one evening  I had a disagreement with one of the residents.  She was like a house mother for all of the guys that lived in the building and she would help us with our daily needs and housekeeping!  

I cannot remember exactly what our disagreement was about, but for the rest of that day and a half, I kept rolling it around in my thoughts and mind.  

During the next day, I could not get this argument, this disagreement out of my mind, I held on to it! This is when it happened when I became choked up and started to cough!  I remember thinking to myself “What was that!”  About a half-hour later this person I had a disagreement with came up the elevator.  Out of curiosity, I asked her where she was coming from.  She told me “Mass(Church)”.  This is when the Holy Spirit explained to me what happened and why I began to cough and become choked up while thinking negatively of her.   

The Holy Spirit revealed to me, that as soon as this person took communion at Mass she became filled with the Holy Spirit, and by me thinking about her in a negative manner I was upsetting the same Holy Spirit that lives within her that also lives in me, this is why I began to cough and become choked up. 

I repeat my mistake

Me not being always the brightest bulb in the socket and far from perfect, I repeated the same mistake at Mass (church) a few weeks later!   A few weeks later while I was at church, the Bishop was leading the mass.   I remember hearing Him commenting on some subjects that I disagreed with, so I began to roll this disagreement around in my mind.  As I was rolling these negative thoughts in my mind the Bishop was preparing Communion(The Eucharist). After his preparation of the host(unleavened bread) and while I was looking directly at him, he took communion(The Eucharist), and at the exact moment the communion hit the tip of his tongue I began to cough and become choked up.  The Holy Spirit said to me “there you go again!” 

Same mistake twice!

Yes, I made the same stupid mistake of judging and thinking negative of someone and I should have been very disappointed in myself for making the same mistake twice.  However,  I remember being pretty excited about the occurrence even though I was obviously in the wrong.  Why was I excited? Because of this religious ceremony or ritual(sacrament) that many people, churches, and obviously me before this revelation I had taken for granted.  Communion had a new previously unrevealed truth and meaning to me.   It was no longer just a religious ceremony or old needless tradition.  But a ceremony where we come into true community with God that lives in and with each other in the Body of Christ! 

I remember thinking to myself “this truly is the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

It happens a third time, but not by me!

The third occurrence, on this day I went to a church on the west side of Columbus, and at this time I was with some relatives!

I remember sharing with them the power of communion and the spiritual truth I witnessed, so I told them not only to watch the mass but listen to it, to listen to what was going on spiritually!   At this church, there was a very attractive woman who was nicely dressed(nothing inappropriate)!  She was helping pass out communion(Eucharist)! 

Before she passed communion, the Priest gave her, her communion first, and after this, she would proceed by giving communion to the congregation!

As the Priest delivered the Eucharist(communion) to this attractive woman,  you could hear about ten guys let out a loud cough!  Remember guys God hears everything!

Not only a Catholic revelation in the Catholic Church!


This is not only a Catholic revelation, this happens across the body of Christ whenever communion is consumed with un-leaven bread(bread without yeast or riser agents)!  

A few weeks prior to me writing this section for my second book(that has not been published yet), one of my best friends Scott invited me to his non-denominational Church in Springfield, Ohio!  At the time I was wondering if the power of communion was only a Catholic church experience.  However, I and my friend Scott experience the same experience at his church.   As many different people went up to take communion, certain people in the congregation would let big or small coughs as communion was consumed!

In 1 Corinthians 11:27, it tells us that anybody that eats the bread and drinks the cup without examining themselves is guilty of sins against the body of Christ.

We can’t always think of religion and traditions as unneeded and old fashion.  A lot of traditions in the church are God-inspired and over time have lost their true meaning and understanding!

Homework!  Visit a church that serves communion on a regular basis, not only observing what is going on in the church but listing to it spiritually, letting the Holy Spirit be your guide to the truth,  so you for yourself can know the power and truth of communion!

In part two we will give you a Metaphoric view of what happens when you consume Communion(The Eucharist), so please continue to view the website and check for updates!

Simple Saints Becoming Divine is a Euchmentical Christian Ministry!

Note: I believe it was revealed to me that the Body of Christ is all of the Born-Again(People that have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit) believers, so whether we are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Native, or First Church of God, Pentecostal, Baptist, Presbyterian, Salvation Army, Catholic or any other Born-again believers, we are one in Christ if we have the indwelling of His Spirit, The Holy Spirit! As I continue to visit different churches in the Body of Christ, I will continue to share spiritual truths God shares with me! As in all experiences test the Spirit and ask God if it is the truth!


The Hope of seeing them again!


Fruit of Patience!