The Hope of seeing them again!

This message is for everyone, but specifically for those who have lost love ones! This message is not meant for those who have love ones that are sick, or any other situation to give up on them. Continue to pray for them and believe that God will heal them! Remember we as believers have a great physician that lives in us through the Holy Spirit and His name is Jesus Christ, He still performs miracles!

The Hope of seeing them again!

A  few years go God asked me to move into a homeless shelter. On one certain day, I needed to charge my phone. I and others would often go in the hall to find an outlet to charge our phones. On this day, I sat next to a man who had lost his wife!  He said he was a believer but that he was kinda mad with God because he had prayed and prayed but his wife had died! I told him I had lost my father not long ago and that I often would get a little down at God for losing him because I thought he was getting better and beating cancer! 

 I’m a horticulturist, I have a degree in Agriculture from Ohio State with a major in horticulture!  At this time the Ohio State extension agents had developed a vegetable garden at the homeless shelter here in Dayton, Ohio! After talking to the gentleman, I went outside to volunteer with the OSU agent that day! She asks me to help pick cucumbers and I did, but when I started to pick them I got nervous! So I said to her “even though I have a degree in Agriculture with a major in horticulture  I do not know when cucumbers are ready to harvest! She replied and said, “ you look at the cucumber and say to yourself will this cucumber still be on the vine at the next harvest if I leave it on the vine?” “ If it looks like it might fall off you harvest it early so that it is still edible!” Right then at that moment, I knew God was answering this man and me about our loss! God was telling me my Father and that gentleman’s wife were suffering and he believed they may have lost their trust and faith in him if they would have continued to suffer and eventually start to turn from him or maybe even curse him! 

So in order for us to see them again and for God to be with them for eternity, he took them early because he loves them and wants to spend eternity with them! 

I cried with tears of joy when God revealed this to me, I miss my father and I know this gentleman misses his wife, but God has them and they are not suffering and we will see them again!

I share this with the gentleman the next day and I believe he received like me healing from what God revealed to me through this Extension agent!

After Reflecting on what God showed me in the garden that day and by using that Ohio State Extension Agents words to speak to my spirit!  I believe God was revealing two revelations!


One is that God knows the future, he knows how much we can suffer before we start to turn from him!  He looks at death totally different than us, especially for the Body of Christ!  He looks at death as a time to reunite Him with us, the word of God says that He wishes none of us are lost!  Before my fathers passed away He even gave my father a believing girlfriend that was the catalyst for him giving his life to Jesus!  My mother passed away in 2005, my father was far away from God when she passed away, maybe she had to pass away first in order for my father to seek God so that he can have the hope of seeing her again!  God only knows!


The other revelation is about the current situation of our world, it is upside down with crime, plagues, and people calling evil good! How much longer will we stay attached to The True Vine(Jesus Christ)!  Maybe God is saying he may harvest us early.  Maybe this has already started with the loss of some of our loved ones God has taken them home to spend eternity with Him so they wouldn’t have to suffer!  Continue to pray for our country and this world Saint’s, may we stay attached to the True vine Jesus!

May God bless you and sustain you Saints and continue to do the work of the ministry for no one knows the time or day!  

As with all messages ask God and discern if this message is for you!




The Body of Christ is a spiritual network


Communion(Eucharist)Part 1