Becoming the Divine image of Christ!
Hi, my name is James Calvin Carey IV, in 2010 I had an amazing encounter with God that change me from being a believer in God to being a knower, I know without a doubt that God exists! Since my transformation, God has revealed some amazing truths and revelations to me! I pray and hope by this website and blog, I am able to share these revelations and other spiritual truths with you. The goal of this website is to be a tool for God in growing and uniting His Body The Body of Christ. This will come of course through prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit who is one with the Father and the Son our Lord Jesus Christ!
God is transforming His Body
God is transforming His Body through sanctification and by the work of the Holy Spirit that indwells within each born-again believer by Grace, God is growing us into an unblemished image of His Son Jesus Christ!
God is asking us His Body to come together in unity!
God is asking His Body to come together in unity! So, whether we are Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, Native, Jew, or Gentile, First Church of God, Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Catholic, Salvation Army, or any other group of Born again believers, we are one in Christ if we are Born of His Spirit, the Holy Spirit! His Body and Body parts have many different names and functions but when they work together with Christ as the Head, many things on earth can be accomplished for the Kingdom of God!
Design to help mature the Body of Christ!
Not only does God want us to grow together, but He is also asking us to come together in our knowledge, understanding, wisdom, discernment and so many other areas of His character! So through His grace let's grow together Saints!
God bless you Saints, thank you for visiting Simple Saints Becoming Divine!
James Calvin Carey IV and from the guidance of the Holy Spirit!